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编辑:全自动高空作业平台厂家 来源:www.haulke.cn 发布日期: 2018-10-30
1.       目的
1.1    为加强厂内叉车的安全管理,提高叉车安全技术状况,保障作业安全,根据《厂内机动车辆安全管理规定》、《CRB机动车辆运输安全规程》等制度,特制定本规程;
1.2    本规程适用公司厂区内叉车装卸作业、安全检查等安全管理。
2.     叉车驾驶员安全管理要求
2.1    叉车驾驶员应具备厂内机动车驾驶员的必备条件,且必须经过车辆管理机关考试合格,领取叉车驾驶证,方准驾驶叉车;
forklift operator should have the prerequisite for factory motor vehicle drivers, pass the examination by the vehicle management authority and receive forklift operator''''s license.
2.2   必须认真学习并严格遵守叉车安全作业标准,熟悉车辆性能和操作区域及厂区道路情况;掌握维护叉车保养基本知识和技能,认真按规定做好车辆的维护保养工作;
the forklift operator shall seriously study and strictly observe Forklift Safety Operating Standards, be familiar with the forklift performance, operating regional and road conditions in the factory; have the basic knowledge and skills to service and maintain the forklift, and do regular maintenance.
2.3   严禁酒后驾驶;一经发现立即辞退;No drunken driving. Once discovered, the operator shall be immediately dismissed
2.4    严禁带人行驶,行驶途中不准饮食、打电话等与驾驶无关的活动;it’s forbidden to drive with other people on the forklift. No eating, drinking or making telephone calls while driving.
2.5    每天认真执行叉车“三检”制,严禁带故障行驶;不可强行通过有危险或潜在危险的路段。 carry out regular check of the forklift every day. No driving with any functional failure. No driving in (potentially) dangerous road.
3.     厂区叉车驾驶、作业安全管理要求
       Forklift operation requirements
3.1  检查车辆(附:叉车检查表)forklift examination (attached: forklift examination sheet)
Regulate the [three checking] system, which is to check the forklift before operation, during operation breaks and after operation.
before operation and after operation, the operator shall check the forklift and fill in fuel, lubricant and cooling water.
Check the safety performance of starting, operating and braking
Check the lights and horn
check the pressure and temperature during the operation
After the operation, check out whether there is any leakage and change the seals when needed
3.2  起步
3.2.1     起步前,观察四周,确认无妨碍行车安全的障碍后,先鸣笛、后起步;
check around before starting. After making sure nothing is in the way, horn and start.
3.2.2     制动液压表必须达到安全指数并系紧安全带后再行驶再起步;
Before starting, make sure that the hydraulic gauge shall be at the right range and the seat belt shall be fastened.
3.2.3     叉车在载物起步时,驾驶员应先确认所载货物是否平稳可靠;
before lifting the loading, the operators must make sure that all the loadings are loaded stead and solid
3.2.4     起步必须缓慢平稳。
Start slowly and steadily.
3.3  行驶 Operation
3.3.1     厂内驾驶叉车速度不得超过5km/h;货叉底端距地高度应保持300~400mm,门架须后倾;
The speed shall be limited within 5km/h in the factory, and the forks shall be 300~400mm higher above the ground, and the mast assembly shall lean backward.
3.3.2     进出作业现场或行驶途中,要注意上空有无障碍物;载物行驶时,货叉不准升得太高,以免影响叉车的稳定性;卸货后应先降落货叉至正常的行驶位置后再行驶;
Before entering an area or during the operation, the operator should make sure that there are no obstacles in the air, and during the operation, the forks shall not be lifted too much to lose balance. After offloading, the forks shall be put down to the right driving position first.
3.3.3     转弯或倒车时,必须先鸣笛;
Horn before turning or reversing.
3.3.4     行驶叉车在下坡时严禁熄火滑行,严禁在斜坡上转向行驶;
while going downhill, it is prohibited to slide with the engine off or turning.
3.3.5     叉车在行驶时要遵守厂内交通规则,必须与其他车辆、物体保持安全距离;
Follow the factory rules and stay in safety distance with other vehicles and objects.
3.3.6     通过厂区内道路口时,应做到“一慢、二看、三通过”;
While driving in the factory, the operators shall “slow down, watch out and then drive.”
3.3.7     载物高度不得遮挡驾驶员视线;特殊情况物品影响前行视线时,叉车必须倒行;
The loading shall not be higher than the eyesight of the forklift operator, otherwise the operator shall reverse.
3.3.8     倒车时,驾驶员须先查明周围情况,确认安全后,方准倒车。在货场、厂房、仓库、窄路等处倒车时,应有人站在车后的驾驶员一侧指挥;
Before reversing, the operator shall check out the surroundings. Reversing in the warehouse, factory, stock, narrow loads shall be conducted by someone standing besides  the operator.
3.4  装卸作业 loading and offloading
3.4.1     叉载物品时,应调整两货叉间距,使两叉负荷均衡,不得偏斜,物品的一面应贴靠挡物架;
before loading, the operator shall adjust the distance of the two forks to balance the weight. One side of the loading shall meet the loading shelf.
3.4.2     禁止单叉作业或用叉顶物、拉物品或设备;严禁超叉车负荷作业;
Never use one fork during the operation or to push/ pull the equipment with the forks. Don’t overload.
3.4.3     在进行物品的装卸过程中,必须用制动器制动叉车;
while loading and offloading, the forklift must be braked.
3.4.4     叉车装卸作业时,禁止人员停留在货叉周围;必要时应在作业区域设置警戒线;
3.4.5     禁止用货叉或托盘举升人员从事高处作业,以免发生高空坠落事故;
3.4.6     叉车装卸物品时,必须将物品平稳、缓慢放到地面或其他合适位置,严禁长时间用货叉使物品停留在高处;
3.4.7     严禁在货叉下面进行检修或其他长时间停留作业;
3.5    停车及注意事项
3.5.1     离开叉车前必须卸下货物或降下货叉架,禁止货叉上物品悬空时离开叉车;
3.5.2     停车时必须拉紧制动手柄;
3.5.3     观察是否发动机熄火,断电,并及时拔下叉车钥匙;
3.5.4     低温季节(在0℃以下),应放尽冷却水;当气温低于-15℃时,应拆下蓄电池并搬入室内,以免冻裂。
3.5.5     将叉车冲洗擦拭干净,进行日常例行保养后,停放车库或指定地点。
4.     叉车安全技术要求
4.1    叉车必须符合国家规定的安全技术要求,应每年到当地政府主管部门进行年检,检验不合格的叉车必须在规定的期限内落实整改,并进行复检;
4.2    未经年检或年检不合格的叉车,不得驾驶、作业;
4.3    叉车年检具体工作由公司设备部负责。
5.     叉车保养及维修要求
5.1    叉车保养由叉车操作员负责,以计划预防性保养为主;但不能以修代保也不能以保代修;
5.2    叉车维修由公司设备部负责,在日常检查或驾驶作业过程中发现叉车异常情况必须及时报设备部、生产部;由设备部负责及时维修。
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